
You’re about to fill out a survey on LabintheWild. Your participation helps us to learn how to design graphs that are easy for people to read.

Please read this information carefully before you start.

Why we are doing this research: We are trying to learn how to show data in graphs. This will help us make graphs that are easy for all people to read.

What you will have to do: We will show you some different graphs and ask you to answer a few questions. We will ask you which graph you liked best, and you will have the chance to say how you think we could do better.

What you will get out of it: We will twll you how your answers compared to other people. We will also show you graphs that other people suggested. While this experiment is not designed to benefit you, you may enjoy answering the questions and comparing your results with other people.

Privacy and Data Collection: We will not ask you for your name and we will not know your computer address or any other information about you. We will ask you some questions about yourself, like your gender, age, and country. You can skip these questions, if you want. Any answers we collect will be securely stored on our servers.

Duration: About 10 minutes.

Compensation: You will not be paid for participation.

Contact Information:
Katie Boronow
Silent Spring Institute
320 Nevada Street, Suite 302
Newton, MA 02460.
617-332-4288 x228

For questions about your rights as a participant in this study or to discuss other study-related concerns or complaints with someone who is not part of the research team, you may contact Hummingbird IRB toll free at 855-447-2123.

Part of Hummingbird IRB’s responsibility is to help participants understand their rights both before deciding to participate in a study and to address any questions and concerns during the study.